Monday, January 25, 2016

Seasons 52

Seasons 52 in Rookwood, Ohio is the restaurant I went to for my birthday dinner this past Friday. It took me two days to decide where I wanted to eat, but my final decision was based on the fact that I wanted to try something different than a regular steak house. Seasons 52 is unique because everything on the menu has a calorie count next to it, and all meals are under 1000 calories. Not only was Seasons 52 a healthy option, but it was most certainly a delicious one, and I'm glad I chose this restaurant because I will definitely be choosing it again. I didn't choose this restaurant with getting desert for this blog on my mind. In fact, no one planned on getting a dessert. My parents had a cake waiting at home for when we got back. The manager accidentally dropped my brother's dinner, so because of this we got a free meal and free desert. After everyone was finish eating they brought out a big plate with all different types of desert cups on it.
I originally chose a raspberry brownie cup, which isn't shown on this picture (I pulled it off the internet). But I also tried the peanut butter pretzel (bottom right) and the lemon blueberry (second to left, bottom).

My favorite was the raspberry brownie. I'm a sucker for fruits and chocolate, so it made perfect sense to get this one. It was just rich enough, and both flavors were definitely present. This was one of those deserts that was so good I didn't let anyone else try, and I ate the whole thing by myself.

Next I had a bite of the peanut butter pretzel that my boyfriend ordered. He's a huge Reese's fan, and it was hard for me to get him to let me try his (he wanted it all to himself too). I didn't try the chip on the top, but he said it was a pretzel cookie kinda thing. This one was really good too. It tasted just like I was eating a melted Reese's cup. I don't think you can top that one

Finally I tried my brother's lemon blueberry cup. I'm not the biggest blueberry fan but I like anything lemon. It tasted just as its description is, a lemon mouse with fresh blueberries in it. If you like fruit, this one's for you.

Seasons 52 is a restaurant that could please anyone. I highly recommend visiting. The atmosphere and ambiance of the place is one I don't see often, it really was the perfect place for my birthday.  

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